Karnataka residents can currently monitor the progress of their Karnataka Bhoomi applications online on computers, laptops and mobile phones by visiting the official portal. Find the Karnataka Bhoomi allocation Status and download it by following the article below.
By entering your application number, you may quickly identify the survey number of any plot of land in Karnataka and verify the status of survey documents on the official websites of Karnataka Bhoomi and landrecords.karnataka.gov.in. you can download survey or eView files. You can obtain the original survey documents by making an electronic payment.
With the use of the Karnataka Bhoomi’s tool and internet access to land records, farmers in Karnataka may now monitor the status of their online Karnataka Bhoomi applications.
The Karnataka government offers an Android app and a digital web portal. It saves farmers from repeatedly visiting government offices by enabling them to obtain copies of certain land survey records.
The top three methods for checking the Karnataka Bhoomi mojini v3 status application are provided in this tutorial. Let’s go over the detailed instructions.
Check Karnataka Bhoomi Website’s Online Status
- Check Your Status Online With Karnataka Bhoomi
- To use the Karnataka Bhoomiplatform, check out official platform.
- Choose the Most Recent Record.
- Use the Application, Survey, and Mobile numbers to narrow down your search.
- Choose the application number and input it.
- Select “Get Status” by clicking.
Verify Status Using Karnataka Bhoomi App
- Download the app from Google Play Store
- Click the View Karnataka Bhoomi Request Status button after opening.
- Select if you like to use the application number, survey number, or cellphone number to check the status.
- After entering the information, select “Get Status.”
Use Website to check the status.
- To access Land Records Karnataka, go to https://www.landrecords.karnataka.gov.in.
- Scroll down to find Other services>, then choose Karnataka Bhoomi.
- Press Application Status, then choose the most recent entry. Use a mobile number to conduct a search
To access the application number-based status, input it. In order to look at the Alienation, and Phodi drawings, follow the instructions below:
- Step 1: Visit the official Karnataka Government Karnataka Bhoomi website
- Step 2: On the homepage, select the “View Sketch” button.
- Step 3: Type your application number in there.
- Step 4: Select 11E/Phodi/Alienation from the drop-down menu.
- Step 5: In the end, select Sketch View.
This is the process for checking the status of Karnataka Bhoomi website.
Application status for Karnataka
Through the Karnataka Bhoomi Karnataka portal, you can monitor the status of your SSLR application or Survey Settlement and Land Records (SSLR). The application number, survey number, or cellphone number must be entered. Then select the “Get Status” button.
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