Smoking is injurious to our health. We all know that. It is bad for our hearts, it damages our lungs, it reduces our immunity, impacts our mental health, and much more! We can go on and on.
But if you are thinking of quitting then congratulations! You should not be still thinking, you should already be preparing for quitting. This is because quitting an addictive habit like smoking can be tough. You have been smoking for quite some time now and it has become ingrained in your lifestyle. And breaking away from the grip of such a habit can be challenging. There are so many reasons that make quitting a difficult task. But nicotine addiction is something that makes it really difficult to quit. As you know nicotine is a substance that is present in tobacco and when you smoke, it gets absorbed into the body. When it reaches the brain, it tricks it to release neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. These chemicals make you feel instantly relaxed. This induces a feeling of being stress-free. People eventually get hooked on this ‘high’ and start craving it. And when you do not smoke, your body experiences nicotine withdrawal symptoms. All these things make quitting a challenge.
But irrespective of all this, quitting is possible. There are so many aids available that can help with smoking cessation. You can count on Nicotine Replacement Therapy products that can help deal with nicotine cravings. These products like nicotine tablets, Anti Nicotine Gums, nicotine patches, and so on are designed to put a controlled amount of nicotine in your body. In addition to this, you can depend on many behavioral and lifestyle changes that can further help in the quitting journey.
In addition to this, you can also count on exercise to help you with managing cigarette cravings. In this blog, we will take a close look at the impact of smoking on the physical and mental aspects of quitting.
You must be aware of the various benefits of exercising on the body and mind. Exercising regularly not only makes your body fit but also increases cardiovascular health and leads to strong lung function. It is also helpful in regulating weight and maintaining the flexibility of the body.
But do you know – when you exercise, your mind also releases endorphins, also known as the ‘feel-good’ hormones? These hormones promote good mood and alleviate the signs of anxiety and depression.
Keeping all this in mind, now let us try to understand the benefits of exercising while trying to quit smoking:
Managing stress – Stress is one the most common triggers for smoking. When you quit smoking, it is not like your life is going to become stress-free suddenly. You will need to find ways to manage that stress in a healthy manner. And physical activity holds the potential to become a powerful ally in battling stress.
When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, neurotransmitters which are known to alleviate anxiety and tension. This plays a pivotal role in managing stress during this transformative phase.
Controlling Cravings – People tend to switch to food for satisfying their urges. They substitute tobacco and start seeking gratification through food. This is the reason why you would have noticed a lot of people complain about weight gain during their quitting phase.
Regular exercise helps in curbing cravings by redirecting the focus and diminishing the strength and frequency of urges. It acts as a great distraction that aids in the resistance against nicotine cravings.
Enhancing mood – Exercising has a positive effect on our mood and amplifies our energy levels. When you exercise, your boosted mood helps in countering the feelings of irritability or mood swings that are quite common with nicotine withdrawal.
Weight management – people who are on track to quit smoking often turn to food to satiate their cravings. To keep their mouths busy, they end up snacking on unhealthy foods. This often leads to weight gain.
When you exercise, you can burn the extra calories and enhance your metabolism. This also helps in managing weight efficiency while trying to quit smoking.
Now, if you are thinking of adding exercise to your plan for quitting smoking then we have some additional tips that you can keep in mind:
Choose something that you enjoy – if you think that we are asking you to go to a gym every day, then only you will be able to manage your cravings through exercise then you are wrong. You must choose an exercise that you think you enjoy. It can be anything – be it cycling, swimming, jogging or anything else – the point is to choose something that keeps you engaged interestingly.
If possible, ask others to join you – doing something like exercising with a group makes it even more interesting. Try joining a fitness group or accompanying a friend. This will also give you the motivation to go every day and make sure that your sessions are enjoyable.
Follow a routine – being consistent is the key to success here. It is important to establish and follow a schedule for regular workouts so that you can reap the best fruit of your labor.
In the end, while quitting smoking is a challenge, exercising and working out regularly can turn out to be a real help for you. It is also a great distraction. It helps in managing your mood and promotes good health.